Put An Experienced Child Pornography Defence Lawyer On Your Side
Protecting Your Freedom
Many people understand the significant consequences of a conviction of child pornography and other sexual offences involving a minor, which could include incarceration and sex offender registration. However, conviction could also result in the restricted use of computers and contact with children, including your own. When the stakes are this high, it is important to engage an experienced criminal defence lawyer to protect your rights.
The lawyers of Bayne Sellar Ertel Macrae have more than 150 years of combined experience representing those accused of sexual offences in jury trials and appellate courts. They provide the experienced and dedicated criminal defence you require to protect your rights and freedom. With offices in Ottawa, the firm represents clients throughout eastern Ontario.
Protecting Your Rights, Your Freedom And Your Dignity
The Crown is particularly tough on those accused of sexual offences involving a minor, such as child pornography. Those so accused may feel that they are treated as being guilty even if the trial has not yet begun.
When you engage Bayne Sellar Ertel Macrae to represent you, you can be assured that your privacy and dignity will remain top priorities. The firm strongly believes everyone is entitled to a strong defence. To that end, they will examine all evidence in your case and work with forensic experts where appropriate to build a strong defence.
Furthermore, all consultations and documentation related to your case will be kept strictly confidential between you and the firm. Your lawyer will also take steps to minimize the negative press to protect not only your rights but also your reputation while your trial is ongoing.