Ottawa Tax Fraud Lawyers
Engaging Knowledgeable Defence Is Key
Tax evasion and other tax fraud charges can affect your liability under more than just the Criminal Code. Many cases will also engage other complex legislation such as the Income Tax Act and others. It takes an experienced criminal defence lawyer to understand such laws and how they may affect your defence.
Bayne Sellar Ertel Macrae has defended clients involved in complex criminal cases since 1972. The firm’s lawyers specializing in tax defence protect the rights of individuals as well as corporate clients accused of tax fraud, evasion and other crimes brought by the Canada Revenue Agency and other sources. The firm represents individuals and corporations in Ottawa and throughout eastern Ontario.
Protecting You Against Short- and Long-Term Consequences
Like many other commercial crimes, conviction of tax fraud or money laundering can result in more than just financial penalties. Criminal sanctions may be imposed depending on the nature of the fraud and amount of money involved. The presence of criminal record could in turn negatively affect your current or future employment, as well as prospective business opportunities.
The lawyers of Bayne Sellar Ertel Macrae are committed to helping you avoid these negative repercussions. To that end, they will apply their court experience and detailed knowledge of tax laws to help you build a strong defence. Where appropriate, the firm may enlist the help of qualified tax experts to analyze evidence. We seek outcomes that protect your rights and minimize the overall impact your charges may have on your reputation and your future.